Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Natural Language Processing Specified Terms

Case-Folding : Case-Folding is done by reducing all letters to lower case. Case-Folding can equate words that might better be kept apart.

Tokens : A character sequence and a defined document unit, tokenization is the task of chopping up it up into pieces, called tokens.
               A token is an instance of a sequence of characters in some perticular document that are grouped togather as a useful semantic unit for processing.

Type : A type is the class of all non-repeated tokens or elements or words of the document.

 Normalize : We made words normalize by canonicalizing tokens so that matches accur inspite of shallow differences in the character sequence of the tokens. For instance, if we search for USA we might hope to also match document containing U.S.A. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Software Dictionary

Activity diagram: An activity diagram is a special case of a state chart diagram  in which all of them are action states and the flow of control  is triggered by the completion of actions in the source state.

Actor: In a use case diagram (use case diagram: A diagram that shows the external actors who will interact with your system and how they will use it. The diagram consists of a system boundary, actors, use cases, and use case relationships (communicates, uses, and extends).), an actor represents a role played by an outside object. One physical object, therefore, can be represented by several actors

Association: a relationship between an actor and a use case in which an interaction occurs between them.
Attribute: a descriptive property or characteristic of an entity.

Behavior: the set of things that an object and that correspond to functions that act on the object’s data (or attributes).

Class diagram: a graphical depiction of a system’s static object structure, showing object classes that the system is composed of as well as the relationships between those object classes.

Component Diagram: Component diagrams are implementation-level diagrams that show the structure of the code itself. A component diagram consists of components such as source code files, binary code files, executable files, or dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), connected by dependencies

Constraint: any factor, limitation or restraint that may limit a solution or the problem solving process. It is something that limits your flexibility in defining a solution to your objectives. Essentially constraints cannot be changed.

Context diagram: a process model used to document the scope for a system. It may also be referred to as an environmental model.

Control object: an object that contains application logic that is not the responsibility of an entity object. Control objects coordinate messages between interface objects and entity objects and the sequence in which the messages occur.

Data: raw facts about people, places events and things that are of an importance in an organization. Each fact, by itself is meaningless.

Data entry: the process of translating data into a computer readable format.

Data flow: data that is input or output to or from a process.

Database: a collection of interrelated files.

Design Class diagram: a diagram that depicts classes that correspond to software components that are used to build the software application.

Design pattern: a common solution to a given problem in a given context, which supports reuse of proven approaches and techniques.

Documentation: the ongoing activity of recording facts and specifications for a system for current and future reference.

Deployment Diagram: Deployment diagrams are implementation-level diagrams that show the structure of the run-time system. From a deployment diagram, you can understand how the hardware and software elements that make up an application will be configured and deployed.

Entity: a class of persons places, objects, events or concepts about which we need to capture and store data.

Interface object: an object that provides the means by which an actor can interface with the system.

Method: the software logic that is executed in response to a message.

Model: a representation of ether reality or vision. Most models use pictures to represent the reality or vision.

Multiplicity: the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of one object/class for a single occurrence of the related object/class.

Object: something that is or is capable of being seen, touched, or otherwise sensed and about which users store data and associate behavior.

Object/Class relationship: a natural business association that exists between one or more objects and classes.

Package Diagram: A package is the basic organizing element of a UML system model. One package can contain subordinate packages, diagrams, or single elements.

Problem: an undesirable situation that prevents the organization from fully achieving its mission, vision, goals, and/or objectives.

Problem statement: a statement and categorization of problems, opportunities, and directives. It may also include constraints and an initial vision for the solution. It may also be referred to as a preliminary study and feasibility assessment.

Procedure: step by step set of instructions and logic for accomplishing a business process.

Process: work performed by a system in response to incoming data flows or conditions. It may also be referred to as a transform.

Prototype: a small scale, representative, or working mode of the user’s requirements or a proposed design for an information system. Any given prototype may omit certain functions or features until such a time as the prototype has sufficiently evolved into an acceptable implementation of requirements. It is basically a small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system.\

Record: a collection of fields arranged in a predetermined format.

Relationship: a natural business association between one or more entities.

Scope: the boundaries of a project-the areas of a business that a project may or may not address.

Sequence diagram: A type of interaction diagram, a sequence diagram shows the actors or objects participating in an interaction and the events they generate arranged in a time sequence.

System analysis: the study of a business problem domain to recommend improvements and specify the business requirements and priorities for the solution.

System analysis use case: a use case that documents the interaction between the system user and the system. It is highly detailed in describing what is required but is free of most implementation details and constraints.

System design: the specification of a detailed computer-based solution.

System designer: a technical specialist who translates system user’s business requirements and constraints into technical solutions. He or she designs the computer databases, inputs, outputs, screens, networks and software that will meet the system user’s requirements.

System development process: a set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables and automated tools that stakeholders use to develop and maintain information systems and software.

System implementation: the construction, installation, testing and delivery of a system into production which means day to day operation.

System initiation: the initial planning for a project to define initial business scope, goals, schedule and budget.

Systems analysis: a problem solving technique that decomposes a system into its component pieces for the purpose of studying how well those component parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose.

Systems analyst: a specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvements for the business.

Systems design: A complimentary problem solving technique to systems analysis that resembles a system’s component pieces back into a complete systems:- hopefully, and improved system. This may involve adding, deleting, and changing pieces relative to the original system.

Systems Development Process:  A set of activities, methods, best practices, deliverables and automated tools that stake holders use to develop and continuously improve information systems and software.

Systems Implementation: The installation and delivery of the entire system into production.

Trigger: A program embedded within a table to automatically invoke updates to another table.

UML: A set of modeling conventions that is used to specify or describe a software system in terms of objects.

Use case: A business scenario or event for which the system must provide a define response.  It is a behaviorally related sequence of steps, both automated and manual, for the purpose of completing a single business task.  It may also be referred to has an analysis tool for finding an identifying business events and responses.

Use case dependency diagram:  A graphical depiction of the dependencies among use cases.

Use case diagram: defines the lines of communication between a particular actor  and a use case.

Use case modeling: The process of modeling a system’s functions in terms of business events, who initiated the events, and how the system responds to those events.

Work flow: The flow of transaction through business processes to ensure appropriate checks and approvals are implemented.


Prototype: a small scale, representative, or working mode of the user’s requirements or a proposed design for an information system. Any given prototype may omit certain functions or features until such a time as the prototype has sufficiently evolved into an acceptable implementation of requirements. It is basically a small-scale, incomplete, but working sample of a desired system.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Techniques For Analysis


An analysis model has both static and dynamic parts. We can depict the static analysis model using a class diagram. A class diagram shows the object that the system will handle and how those objects are related to each other. For the dynamic analysis model, we can use communication diagrams to demonstrate that our static model is feasible.

There are two inputs to analysis:

·  The business requirement model contains descriptions of the manual and automated workflows of our business context, described using business-oriented versions of actors, use cases, objects, the glossary and, optionally, communication diagrams and activity diagrams.

·  The system requirements model contains an external view of the system, described as system-oriented versions of actors, use cases and use case diagrams, user interface sketches, and enhanced glossary and nonfunctional requirements.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Feasibility Study Using Pieces Framework For Sales Management System


The purpose of a feasibility study is to investigate the task requirements and to determine whether it's worth while feasible to develop the system. 

Operational Feasibility

The survey conducted to determine the flaws of the existing Sales system at Mr. Saeed Amir Moosa Services with respect to the PIECES.

Through put rate is very slow. It is not presentable, records have to be searched for and  maintained on files whereas in the newly developed system through put rate is very fast, The records are totally computerized thus leading to easy modification and retrieval of data.


  • Input:
            Input information is recorded on registers at  which  may any create errors due to replication of the data and more time consumption.
            In the newly developed system maximum information is recorded at one location which is accessible within no time and can be rechecked to have minimum errors. Information can be generated easily which avoid redundancy and saves time.
  • Output:     
 It is time consuming and difficult to see output/required information especially when some changes have to be incorporated. Records have to be searched in files which consume a lot of time and effort. It is very difficult to obtain the necessary and accurate data for generating outputs.
            In the new system it is very speedy to see any information and edit it if necessary instantly. The records are displayed collectively and individually which helps in comparisons and easy searching.

  • Stored Data:
            Required data can be stored with great difficulty, furthermore there is a greater security issue since the record are maintained in files so once the data is destroyed it is not available anymore.
            In the new system it is easy to store required data and at the same time it is very convenient to keep data confidential. The data is stored in a very organized and an accessible way in tables. Backups can be created to ensure retrieval if the data is lost.

            Apparently increased cost is expected for man power and material whereas nothing can be said about the cost of the newly system. 
Control & Security:
            It is very difficult to keep security. It is difficult to protect data from unauthorized access.
            In the new system it is very easy to keep security, privacy. Data can be stored in saved drives to protect from unauthorized access.

            It is difficult to sort out relevant information from the total information and hence less efficient. Some information is necessary to be repeated and difficult to avoid redundancy and hence it is slow and less efficient system.
            In the new system relevant information can be easily captured for immediate processing thus more efficient. The new format is designed to avoid redundancy and hence it is faster and efficient system.

            The service is very slow and is not up to the satisfactory level whereas the new system is reliable the service level is very high.



Structured programming (sometimes known as modular programming) is a subset of procedural programming that enforces a logical structure on the program being written to make it more efficient and easier to understand and modify. Certain languages such as Ada, Pascal, and database are designed with features that encourage or enforce a logical program structure. Structured programming frequently employs a top-down design model, in which developers map out the overall program structure into separate subsections. A defined function or set of similar functions is coded in a separate module or sub module, which means that code, can be loaded into memory more efficiently and that modules can be reused in other programs. After a module has been tested individually, it is then integrated with other modules into the overall program structure. Structured programming compartmentalizes your code. It makes it easier to read when reviewing the code later. The only drawback for some is that it enforces more rigid design structures that require you to think in certain ways. This is a minor issue, which usually only affects older programmers trained in procedural programming.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Course Registration & Fee Calculator Forms Code Written By Muhammad Junaid Akram

Write a program in which we are registering course of student and then calculate their fees according to registered course and give fees concession for naval person.

Helping Class.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;

namespace CourseRegistrationTask1lab1
    public class HelpingClass
        public static List<string> RegisteredSemesterCoursesList = new List<string>();
        public static List<string> CurrentSemesterCoursesList = new List<string>();
        #region DisplayRegisteredCoursesOnRegisteredCoursesListBox
        public void
            DisplayRegisteredCoursesOnRegisteredCoursesListBox(ListBox RegisteredCoursesListBox)
            foreach (var item in RegisteredSemesterCoursesList)

        #region ClearLists
        public void empty()
        #region ShowingCurrentSemesterCourse
        public List<string> ShowingCurrentSemesterCourse(int CurrentSemesterNo)
            switch (CurrentSemesterNo)
                case 1:

                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Computing Fundamentals");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Computing Fundamentals Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Computer Programming");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Computer Programming Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Applied Calculus & Analytical Geometry");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Applied Physics");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Applied Physics Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Functional English");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Islamic Studies");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;

                case 2:

                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Discrete Structures-I ");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Object Oriented Programming");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("object Oriented Programming Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Basic Electronics");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Basic Electronics Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Principles of Management");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Communication Skills");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Pakistan Studies");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                case 3:
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Introduction to Software Engineering");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Data Structures & Algorithms");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Data Structures & Algorithms Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Computer Programming Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Digital Logic Design");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Linear Algebra");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Construction");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Construction Lab");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;

                case 4:
        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Operating Systems");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Database Management Systems");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Database Management Systems Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Tech. Writing & Present. Skill");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Supporting Elective II");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("GE/University Elective II");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                case 5:
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Requirements Engineering");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Requirements Engineering Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Prob. and Statistics for Engineers");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Data Communication & Networking");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Data Communication & Networking Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Elective I");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Supporting Elective III");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("GE/University Elective III");
                       return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                case 6:
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Human Computer Interaction");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Quality Engineering");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Design & Architecture");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Design & Architecture Lab");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Formal Methods in Software Engineering");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Elective II");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Application Domain Elective –I");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                case 7:

                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Project I");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Software Project Management");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Engineering Ethics");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Application Domain Elective –II");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("GE/University Elective IV");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                case 8:
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("Project II");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Elective III");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("SE Elective IV");
                        CurrentSemesterCoursesList.Add("  SE Elective V");
                        return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
                    return CurrentSemesterCoursesList;
        #region ProgrammeComboBoxFilling
        public ComboBox ProgrammeComboBoxFilling(string Department, ComboBox combo)
            if (Department == "Engineering")
                return combo;
            if (Department == "Mangement")
                return combo;
            return combo;
        #region SemesterNoOffered
        public ComboBox SemesterNoOffered(string Programme, ComboBox combo)
            switch (Programme)
                case "BBA":
                        return Loop(9, combo);

                case "MBA":
                        return Loop(5, combo);

                case "BSE":
                        return Loop(9, combo);

                case "BEE":
                        return Loop(9, combo);

                    return combo;
        #region Loop
        private ComboBox Loop(int length, ComboBox combo)
            for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
            return combo;
        #region RemoveItemFromRegisteredSemesterCoursesList
        public void RemoveItemFromList(string value)
        #region Calculation
        public void Calculataion(RadioButton NavalradioButton, RadioButton SiblingradioButton, RadioButton CivilianradioButton)
            if (RegisteredSemesterCoursesList.Count > 9)
                MessageBox.Show("You are overlimiting from 18 credit hour!!");
                int TotalCourses = RegisteredSemesterCoursesList.Count;
                double TotalFees;
                double discount;
                if (NavalradioButton.Checked == true)
                   TotalFees = (TotalCourses * 3000);
                    discount = TotalFees * 0.25;
                    TotalFees = TotalFees - discount;
                    ShowingRecord.TotalFees = TotalFees;
                    ShowingRecord.Type = "naval";
                    if (SiblingradioButton.Checked == true)
                        TotalFees = TotalFees - discount;
                        ShowingRecord.TotalFees = TotalFees;
                        ShowingRecord.Sibling = "Sibling";

                        ShowingRecord.TotalFees = TotalFees;
                        ShowingRecord.Sibling = "none";

                else if (CivilianradioButton.Checked == true)
                    ShowingRecord.Type = "naval";
                    TotalFees = (TotalCourses * 60000);
                    if (SiblingradioButton.Checked == true)
                        ShowingRecord.Sibling = "Sibling";
                        TotalFees = TotalFees - 750;
                        ShowingRecord.TotalFees = TotalFees;

                        ShowingRecord.TotalFees = TotalFees;
                        ShowingRecord.Sibling = "none";

    public class ShowingRecord
        public static string StudentName;
        public static int RegistrationId;
        public static string Semester;
        public static string Department;
        public static string Programme;
        public static double TotalFees;
        public static int TotalCourses;
        public static string Type;
        public static string Sibling = "none";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections;

namespace CourseRegistrationTask1lab1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private HelpingClass helpingClass;
        List<string> Helplist;
        public Form1()
            helpingClass = new HelpingClass();

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CivilianradioButton.Checked = true;
            NoneradioButton.Checked = true;

        private void DepartmentComboxbox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Department = DepartmentComboxbox.Text;
            helpingClass.ProgrammeComboBoxFilling(Department, ProgrammeCombobox);
        private void ProgrammeCombobox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Programme  = ProgrammeCombobox.Text;
            helpingClass.SemesterNoOffered(Programme, SemesterOfferedCombobox);
       private void RegisterAllbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (var item in Helplist)
       private void SemesterOfferedCombobox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int CurrentSemester = Convert.ToInt32(SemesterOfferedCombobox.Text);
            Helplist = helpingClass.ShowingCurrentSemesterCourse(CurrentSemester);
            foreach (var item in Helplist)
            } }

        private void RegisterSelectedbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            catch (Exception)
            { } }

       private void SemestercomboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SemestercomboBox.Text=="Spring" && ProgrammeCombobox.Text=="BSE"|| ProgrammeCombobox.Text =="BEE")

            if (SemestercomboBox.Text == "Fall" && ProgrammeCombobox.Text == "BSE" || ProgrammeCombobox.Text == "BEE")


        private void Unregisterbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            catch(Exception )
                MessageBox.Show("Plz select course for unregister!!!");

        private void GenerateFeeSlipbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            helpingClass.Calculataion(NavalradioButton, SiblingradioButton, CivilianradioButton);
            ResultantForm obj = new ResultantForm();
        public void FillRecordForShowingOnForm()
            ShowingRecord.Department = DepartmentComboxbox.Text;
            ShowingRecord.Programme = ProgrammeCombobox.Text;
            ShowingRecord.RegistrationId = Convert.ToInt32(RegistrationIdTextBox.Text);
            ShowingRecord.Semester = CurrentSemesterTextBox.Text;
            ShowingRecord.StudentName = StudentNametextBox.Text;
        } } }

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CourseRegistrationTask1lab1
    public partial class ResultantForm : Form
        public ResultantForm()

        private void ResultantForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            StudentNameLabel.Text = ShowingRecord.StudentName;
            RegistrationIdLabel.Text = Convert.ToString(ShowingRecord.RegistrationId);
            Semesterlabel.Text = ShowingRecord.Semester;
            Departmentlabel.Text = ShowingRecord.Department;
            Programmelabel.Text = ShowingRecord.Programme;
            foreach (var item in HelpingClass.RegisteredSemesterCoursesList)

            TotalCourseslabel.Text =Convert.ToString( HelpingClass.RegisteredSemesterCoursesList.Count);
            TotalFeesLabel.Text = ShowingRecord.TotalFees.ToString();
            NavalLabel.Text = ShowingRecord.Type;
            SiblingLabel.Text = ShowingRecord.Sibling;


Form 1 Design:

Resultant form design: