Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Feasibility Study Using Pieces Framework For Sales Management System


The purpose of a feasibility study is to investigate the task requirements and to determine whether it's worth while feasible to develop the system. 

Operational Feasibility

The survey conducted to determine the flaws of the existing Sales system at Mr. Saeed Amir Moosa Services with respect to the PIECES.

Through put rate is very slow. It is not presentable, records have to be searched for and  maintained on files whereas in the newly developed system through put rate is very fast, The records are totally computerized thus leading to easy modification and retrieval of data.


  • Input:
            Input information is recorded on registers at  which  may any create errors due to replication of the data and more time consumption.
            In the newly developed system maximum information is recorded at one location which is accessible within no time and can be rechecked to have minimum errors. Information can be generated easily which avoid redundancy and saves time.
  • Output:     
 It is time consuming and difficult to see output/required information especially when some changes have to be incorporated. Records have to be searched in files which consume a lot of time and effort. It is very difficult to obtain the necessary and accurate data for generating outputs.
            In the new system it is very speedy to see any information and edit it if necessary instantly. The records are displayed collectively and individually which helps in comparisons and easy searching.

  • Stored Data:
            Required data can be stored with great difficulty, furthermore there is a greater security issue since the record are maintained in files so once the data is destroyed it is not available anymore.
            In the new system it is easy to store required data and at the same time it is very convenient to keep data confidential. The data is stored in a very organized and an accessible way in tables. Backups can be created to ensure retrieval if the data is lost.

            Apparently increased cost is expected for man power and material whereas nothing can be said about the cost of the newly system. 
Control & Security:
            It is very difficult to keep security. It is difficult to protect data from unauthorized access.
            In the new system it is very easy to keep security, privacy. Data can be stored in saved drives to protect from unauthorized access.

            It is difficult to sort out relevant information from the total information and hence less efficient. Some information is necessary to be repeated and difficult to avoid redundancy and hence it is slow and less efficient system.
            In the new system relevant information can be easily captured for immediate processing thus more efficient. The new format is designed to avoid redundancy and hence it is faster and efficient system.

            The service is very slow and is not up to the satisfactory level whereas the new system is reliable the service level is very high.

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